Ultrawave New standard base load
The suggested base load for the UltraWAVE has always been: 120 ml of H2O, 5 ml of H2O2 and 2 ml of H2SO4
The above base load is replaced by the new standard base load: 130 ml of H2O + 5 ml of HNO3 67/68%
The new base load comes from an over four years experience with the UltraWAVE and it is used regardless the sample type, the acid chemistry and the set temperature.
Base load for reactive samples
The UltraWAVE allows to digest even very reactive samples such as large amount of organic samples (above 0,5g), polymers, petrochemical products, oils, etc.. The digestion of these samples generates strong fast exothermalÂÂÂ reactions, therefore the following base load is used for reactive
samples: 150 ml of H2O + 5 ml of HNO3 67/68%
The higher water volume further enhances the capability of the UltraWAVE to control exothermal reactions, ensuring a better digestion.